Oh hi!

We’re very happy to announce our new album on Brassneck(UK) and Engineer Records (UK).

Our 4th album; Pleasureland, offers up a darker, noisier take on our punk fuelled indie rock.

Bedford Falls, straight outta South Wales (UK), has been blending the noisier end of 80’s college rock (Hüsker Dü, Dinosaur Jr.) with the more energetic end of 90s indie rock (Superchunk, Jawbox, Swervedriver) and a touch of classic Power Pop (Big Star, Teenage Fanclub) for over 20 years.

With their fourth album, a co-release between Brassneck Records and Engineer Records, the band leans, somewhat, into their noisier tendencies.

However, Pop nuggets can still be found, as evidenced by lead off track “The Hurricane Takes The Wheel”, an upbeat ode to the joys, and challenges, of parenthood.

You can check that out here:



So, it’s almost here!

Pre-orders for Send More Bees are now up.

If you want our new record you can now order it from these fine establishments:

In the UK/Europe/Japan
Boss Tuneage –
Brassneck Records –

In the USA
Dead Broke Rekerds –

To celebrate, here’s another sampler from the album called, “Everything Ends”:

New Song. New Album in 2018.


Well, that took longer than I thought.

So, after several line up changes and life changing events we finally managed to finish album three.

It’ll be called “Send More Bees” and it’ll be released in the UK via Boss Tuneage and Brassneck Records and in the USA via Dead Broke Records.

We’re really proud of it and we can’t wait for you to hear it.

With that in mind and in the spirit of the season and the town we’re named after here’s a track from it to whet your appetite.

Album Three

Hello there.

It would appear that we’ve stockpiled enough songs to make a record so we’re hoping to do that over the next few months.

However, making records has a tendency to cost money so, if you’d like to hear the record we’d like to make, you can help us do so (and in the process help clear some space in Tom W’s spare room) by buying some merch from us.

Impending relocations mean that we’re probably not going to be available to play too many one off gigs, locally or away from home, until the record comes out so this is our only way to raise cash.

So, if you have some holes in your Bedford Falls collection and/or you’d like to help us make a new record you can do so here:

Or here:

If you don’t have any holes in your Bedford Falls collection or just have no money, you can help by spreading the word. Perhaps you have a friend that might like us.


We’re off on tour with our buds in Failures’ Union. You should come. We’re heading to mainland Europe for the first time. We’re pretty excited.

Here’s a Facebook invite:

April 12th – Manchester, UK @ Wahlbar

April 13th – Leeds, UK @ Fox and Newt

April 14th – Edinburgh, UK @ Banshee Labyrinth

April 15th – Dundee, UK @ Kage Nightclub

April 16th – Liverpool, UK @ Maguire’s Pizza Bar

April 17th – Basingstoke, UK @ Sanctuary Silk Fest

April 18th – Cheltenham, UK @ Frog and Fiddle

April 19th – Swansea, UK @ Mozartss

April 20th – Bristol, UK @ Mother’s Ruin

April 21 – TBA

April 22nd – Turin, Italy @ Alla Vecchia Maniera Bruino

April 23rd – Milan, Italy @ TBA

April 24th – Frankfurt, Germany @ Ponyhof

April 25th – TBA

April 26th – Exeter, UK @ Cavern

April 27th – Cardiff, UK @ Undertone

Hello Again

Hi there,

It’s been a while.

It’s been a pretty tumultuous time here for a variety of reasons, hence the lack of activity.

However, we’re slowly putting the wheels back on the bus and we might even get around to promoting that album we put out last year.

One of the reasons for the quiet spell is that we’ve been without Pete for most of the year. He’s been gallivanting around France. However, our good buddy Tom Avon of local Hardcore louts, Natural Order, has stepped in to help us out. He’s been a great fit and we’re having a blast playing with him.

The exciting news is that we’re playing with Hüsker Dü’s Grant Hart on the 30th October, that’s a pretty big deal, and we’re also playing dates with the awesome Broadcaster and Muncie Girls in Exeter and Pale Angels in Newport.

Work has commenced on album three and we are hoping to get it done fairly quickly. We hoped that last time though and that took ages so don’t hold your breath.

We’re also hoping to hook up with Failures’ Union again next year. It’s only been four years. If you want us to come to your town let us know.

So, anyway, we’re still here, we still like playing gigs and we’d still like you to buy our records.

Oh, and if you see Pete about tell him that we miss him.






So anyway; long time no update.

Sorry about that.

As with many things, real life has had a tendency to get in Bedford Falls’ way of late.

However, I recently realised that it’s the 10th anniversary of our first gig, which was at The Oz Bar in Cardiff, with Jerry Built and Nozzle on the 18th April 2003, and I wondered what, if anything, we’d do to mark the occasion.

As we’re currently spread across Northern Europe, a gig was out of the question so we’ve decided to put our whole discography up on our Bandcamp page for “pay what you like” on the 18th April. So essentially, we’re giving this stuff away. For a day.

So, if you know anyone that might be interested in Bedford Falls that’s the day to let them know about us.

It’s weird to think of all of the bands that were so much better than us that we managed to outlive. We’re like the cockroaches of UK DIY.

I should probably thank a bunch of people for the decade of laughs so here goes:

Thanks to Pete, Kate and Sam for making Bedford Falls sound much better than it probably should.

Thanks to the two Jim’s; Reed and Williams for the years they put in. We might no longer be bandmates but we’ll always be mates.

Thanks too to the terrifying amount of people who’ve subbed for us for gigs and tours over the years. We’ve been lucky to have most of the best musicians from South Wales and beyond play with us. And Adz. So a huge debt of gratitude is owed to; Hywel “H” Jones, Matthew Green, Blake “Smellman” Ellman, Dave Harries, Steve Nash, Adz Smith, Jon Greenwood, Hywel Oatey Williams and Al Thomas.

Thanks to Aston and Julie at Boss Tuneage, Dave at All In Vinyl and Kazu at Waterslide for all of their support and to Monk Dave for kicking us off in fine style (although, I’m fairly sure he thinks we’re the worst band that was on his label).

Thanks to all of the bands we played with but especially, Jason, Tony, Eric and Blake of Failures Union, Dave, Rick and Doyle of Textbook, Jim, Matt and Charlie of The Magnificent and Chris, Parkes and Dave/Tim of protectors.

Thanks to Gethin Pearson for being the best kind of co-conspirator.

Thanks to anyone who put us on, put us up or put us about, we love you all.

Since I’m writing this I’m going to leave the last “thank you” to my wife, Kerry because she deserves it.

Cheers to you all,






This is the website for Welsh Indie-Rock types, Bedford Falls

We’ve been ploughing our particular furrow for almost a decade now. Taking influence from 90s Indie Rock and the underground rock of the 80s, we ally noise to melody and melancholy in a manner consistent with bands from those eras.
We’ve released a bunch of records and played a bunch of gigs with a bunch of bands. It’s been fun.

Our latest album; “Elegant Balloons”, was written in a flurry of activity following a tour of the United States in late 2010 and was recorded in early 2012 at Monnow Valley Studios, a place which has played host to a number of rock legends. And us.

“Elegant Balloons”, will be released by Boss Tuneage Records on August 27th and is available for pre-order now!

Invite yourself to our album launch!